Robert (Bob) Bianchi, Esq., former NJ Morris County Prosecutor, and now practicing NJ Criminal Defense attorney, appeared on Fox News Happening Now show with host Jenna Lee and co-guest, Phillip Conway, Esq., to discuss the disturbing case where a doctor was throw off a United Airlines plane after he boarded.  In this case, the airline also promised free flights to crew members who were not working.  After no one agreed to leave, United Airlines allegedly randomly selected a passenger to throw off teh plane.  The already seated passenger refused to leave.  Law enforcement was called and in a chilling video of excessive force, the passenger was ripped out of his seat and dragged down the aisle of the plane.  He was later allowed to re-board.  Since that time, and this news clip, the CEO of United has given many poor and seemingly callous responses to this incident.  Bianchi and his partner are both former NJ  Prosecutors and now NJ criminal defense attorneys.  They are often asked to comment by national news media outlets on pressing cases of the day.  Both Bianchi and Bruno are NJ Supreme Court Certified Criminal Trial Attorneys and practice in all NJ criminal courts, municipal courts, and domestic violence courts.


You can see more of Bianchi’s TV Appearances here –>