Former head county prosecutor and Bianchi law group partner, Robert Bianchi discusses a sexual assault case with host Stephanie Hamill. Scott Smith was arrested and dragged out of a school board meeting when he came to discuss gender-fluid restroom policies. Smith says his daughter was sexually assaulted at the school. Bob opines that under title 9, the school did not have proper security and supervision over the children leading to the injury to his daughter.


🛡 The Bianchi Law Group, LLC is located in Parsippany, New Jersey. They are a team of former prosecutors who aggressively fight the government when their clients are charged with crimes. Both Bianchi and Bruno regularly lecture to other NJ Lawyers in the area of criminal law and are regularly in the national media to discuss criminal law issues. #njlawyer #criminaldefense #domesticviolence #formerprosecutor #criminaldefenselaywer #criminaldefenseattorney #criminaldefenselawfirm #notjustTV #OAN