Forget New Year’s Resolutions & Embrace Gratitude!

“The universe does ‘conspire’ to make all things right.”
“I am right where I am supposed to be.”

By: Robert A. Bianchi, Esq.,
Partner, The Bianchi Law Group, LLC.
January 10, 2015

This year, I again choose not to engage in the New Year’s resolution trap which will embolden the unforgiving pangs and negative emotional barbs that will tauntingly remind me that “I did not succeed” or “I am not good enough.”

I have long ago replaced such “resolutions” in favor of “gratitude” practices aimed to eradicate the toxic garbage pile of negative thoughts and regrets that many of us hold so dearly and desperately onto.

Gratitude helps us all navigate the cold winds that blow during the winter times of our lives when these winds reclaim the blessings given to us from an earlier spring or summer time.  It is a time of loss and surrender, a time to let go of what we loved.  It is also a time that demarks the beginning of renewal and rebirth…that is if we allow it to!

When my term of office as Prosecutor ended in 2013, I left behind a job I loved- – a lifelong dream that I literally worked most of my life to achieve. It was a period of retraction- – a winter- – a time of loss in my life.

What do I do now, I thought?  Could my professional life still be rewarding to me?

As 2014 passed away, I reflect on what I am most grateful for this past year. I look at the past (good or bad) with great caution- – much like I do when I look at the sun– very quickly and while squinting for protection. To look at the past for too long is indeed dangerous, as it can easily burn the retina of your soul.

I quickly observed that The Bianchi Law Group had another great year of blessings.  We have a thriving law practice, a great staff, and clients, and financially we have done very well. Our Firm’s powerful Community Outreach Programs help those who are suffering and the programs are in high demand. Indeed, there was much to be grateful for in 2014.

But, in 2014 I am most grateful for one of our clients in particular.  Let’s call her Beatrice (a fictitious name, yet an apt literary reference).

Beatrice is a lovely young woman who was embroiled in a heap of legal trouble over a situation that occurred in a singular moment of her otherwise amazing and unblemished life of accomplishments. Nevertheless, she was headed for a potentially lengthy state prison sentence.

We worked very hard to humanize Beatrice to the prosecution, but they were understandably resistant.  Eventually, and after much effort, the prosecution mercifully agreed to spare Beatrice and she would not have to go to prison.  It was the right decision.

When we left the courtroom for the last time she hugged me in the courthouse hallway that was abuzz with clients, attorneys, and court officers.  Beatrice then unexpectedly delivered a very powerful message to me that I will carry with me for a lifetime.

“Mr. Bianchi, I just wanted to let you know I am glad that you are no longer the County Prosecutor” she stated and then paused.

I was confused by the statement, as I never discussed this topic with her and did not understand what she was trying to tell me.

She was clearly amused and had a grinning tone in her voice when she stated this.  I was intrigued. She then explained,

“If you were still the County Prosecutor you would not have been my lawyer, and I would have gone to prison if I had any other lawyer than you.”  Beatrice continued, “I am grateful that God put you in my life to help me- – you are right where you are supposed to be.”

I immediately felt something shift inside of me. I was curiously gazing into my own mind and inwardly staring at my reaction to what she had just said. I first noticed the inner noise and clanging in my mind stopped. Her meaning immediately loosened the nagging, aching grieving that I was felt for the death of my old job.

Perhaps, I thought, my “loss” was really meant to get me exactly to this place, exactly where I needed to be- – with this great person, on this great day, to get for her this great result.  I smiled at the revelation that the universe does “conspire” to make all things right. I loved it!

Beatrice reinforced to me that wherever I am, or whomever I am with, my life will always have meaning and value to others that no one can ever take away from me, and that in truth, “the light does shine brightest in the darkness.”  I was that light for her, and she was that light for me.

I vow to honor Beatrice’s powerful message that at all times (good or bad), I should always remember:

“I am right where I am supposed to be.”


© Robert A. Bianchi, Esq., 2015