It is human to make mistakes–we all stumble–we all come up short–we all fall. The “sin” is not making a mistake, but rather, staying down in defeat. Dust yourself off, get back up, and vow to do better. We all make mistakes and no one is immune from this human condition. We are all entitled, therefore, to forgiveness and mercy. So, don’t let others keep you down. This is your life, not theirs. And mostly, never allow yourself to feel ashamed or unworthy. Give yourself a break–forgive yourself–and just vow to do better. Make amends with yourself, or others you have let down, and do better in this very present moment to go step by step to make a positive difference with as many people that you can. Even a smile, a kind word, or just a gentle touch, is enough. You are here to be a blessing to others. Get to it.

Peace to you!
Bob Bianchi