6/13/17: Robert (Bob) Bianchi on Fox Business Making Money w/ host Gerri Willis to discuss the Attorney General, Jeff Sessons’ testimony regarding the Russian probe, etc.
This is a difficult subject to cover in a short time. There is so much texture to all of these hearings. Sessons’ did a good job defending himself from Russian collusion, but was weak on other areas as it related to conversations with the President. And, his explanation for the firing of FBI Director Comey seems to indicate that in reality, the decision rested with the President and he has no understanding as to ultimately why the President chose to fire Comey.
This is especially relevant as in at least 2 separate incidents, the President indicated that the firing was over the Russian investigation, which to date is the worst evidence against the President of misuse of his office. Sessons’ testimony, although he refused to answer many questions, thus far did not harm either him or the president as to this firing.
Sessons’ refused to comment on many topics arguing something short of “executive privilege” (which only the President can invoke.) Rather Sessions invoked a “long standing” procedure in the DOJ that prohibited him discussing these conversations. He was weak, however, in explaining the procedure and how it could overcome the congresses right for oversight. Expect a legal battle of Sessons’ refusal to answer and it is our opinion Sessions will be called again to answer these questions. We will keep you apprised.